Chair of Trustees The Sea Change Trust
Consultant Family and Systemic Psychotherapist
D. Psychotherapy, MA. BA. PG Dip. Syst. Therapy., PG Dip. App. Soc. Studies, Dip Soc Admin. CQSW, PG Cert. Ed. UKCP
Gill has specialised in child and adolescent mental health since 1982 – initially with children under five as clinical co-ordinator of a specialist intensive therapeutic programme.
She was the professional lead for Systemic Psychotherapy in a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service in Wolverhampton from 2001-2016.
Registered with UKCP since 1993 as a systemic psychotherapist and registered supervisor from 1995, she was a member of the Professional Affairs Committee for the Association of Family Therapy (AFT) from 2001 -2021 and was a Director on the AFT Board when chair of this committee from 2010-2013.
In a career spanning 40 years she has had a range of roles as a clinician, and manager within the National Health Service (NHS), senior lecturer in Higher Education, senior play worker and project leader working with children with disabilities; roles within Local Authority and Voluntary Sectors.
She has had a private practice since 1994 and is a past Head of Counselling for an adult general counselling organisation in Shropshire.
She is a reviewer for 'Murmurations: Journal of Transformative Systemic Practice' and has had the following work published:
Benbow and Goodwillie (2010) ‘Think Family:Systemic Therapy in Later Life’
Casebook of Clinical Geropsychology International Perspectives on Practice
Eds Nancy Pachama, Ken Laidlaw & Bob Knight Oxford University Press 2010
Patrick Pietroni, Gill Goodwillie, Tina Griffiths, Margaret Martin, Martin Wilkinson, and Judy White (2012) The Journal of Psychological Therapies in Primary Care 1:1-18 ‘Where We Were - Where We Are 1: 19-31 -Where Are We going?’ 1:32-52
Goodwillie (2013)The Journal of Psychological Therapies in Primary Care 2:
157-173 ‘The Impact of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder on Family Relationships: Parental Perspectives’
Goodwillie (2014) Journal of Family Therapy 36: 255-267
‘Protective Vigilance: a parental strategy in caring for a child with ADHD’
Goodwillie (2016) “‘Double Jeopardy’ and ‘Professional Jeopardy’ Stories of shared identity” Chapter in Systemic Therapy as Transformative Practice Eds. Imelda McCarthy and Gail Simon Everything is Connected Press 2016